Applications for coupons for the 2015 Farmers Market will be taken on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at Community Action Commission of Fayette County, 1400 US Route 22 NW, Washington Court House between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
Do NOT mail in applications – Mailed applications will not be accepted. Coupons will be distributed on a first come, first served basis, and applications will not be accepted before the distribution day.
Applicants can designate a personal shopper (proxy) on their application. The proxy must come to the distribution with the application signed by the participant. The proxy must also bring identification. A person can be a proxy for a maximum of two individuals.
Eligibility for the program:
Applicants must be 60 years of age or older on the day they apply, a resident of a county in the local SFMNP area and have an annual income of 185% of poverty or less. Please see income guidelines:
1 person in household with income of $0 – $ 21,775
2 persons in household with income of $0 – $29,471
3 persons in household with income of $0 – $37,167
4 persons in household with income of $0 – $44,863
5 persons in household with income of $0 – $52,559
6 persons in household with income of $0 – $60,255
The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) allows low-income seniors in Central Ohio to obtain produce from local farmers. This program is available through the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging and LifeCare Alliance