Peace House- Domestic Violence Program
The Peace House DV program is designed to support, educate and empower domestic violence victims as they become survivors.
Our goal at Peace House is to be a support for survivors, providing them an opportunity to begin to heal from the trauma they’ve experienced and create a life of peace and stability for themselves.
What is considered Domestic Violence in Ohio?
Domestic Violence in Ohio is categorized as physical, emotional (mental/verbal) and sexual. Domestic violence occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate another. Domestic violence often refers to violence between spouses, or spousal abuse but can also include cohabitants and non-married intimate partners.
Please remember that all forms of domestic violence demonstrate a lack of respect and are used as a means of intimidation or control.
Every victim of domestic violence deserves an opportunity to become a survivor.
Peace House Services include:
- Emergency Housing
- Case Management
- Crisis Intervention
- Safety Planning
- Service Coordination
- Support Groups (as available)
- Emergency Counseling
- Basic Needs
- Education
- Empowerment
- Advocacy
- Program After Care
- Client-driven, trauma informed services
- Financial Empowerment Curriculum
- Rapid Rehousing Assistance
- Landlord Mediation
To Contact Peace House:
24 hour crisis line: (740) 505-0090
Office: (740) 620-9862
Email or text: [email protected]
For more information about our program check out our Facebook page @FayetteCountyPeaceHouse
If you would like to make a donation to Peace House, please use the Facebook page link & in ‘Donation Instructions’ enter PEACE HOUSE