Salvation Army
The Salvation Army provides emergency payments for medical, housing, utilities, clothing, food, baby supplies and other needs. A summer camp and a camp for persons over age 50 are offered each year; Salvation Army pays the cost of the camp plus provides transportation if needed.
This is not a “Community Action” program, in that the funds are not kept by the CAC Fiscal Officer. The local service unit committee makes determinations of eligibility, amount of assistance, etc. The Treasurer keeps the bank account. The service unit was moved to Community Action in 1980 when the Trustees of the Eyman Fund asked Bambi Baughn to be the Treasurer. The Salvation Army is used in conjunction with other emergency programs operated by CAC to reduce duplication of services and assure sufficient assistance is provided to alleviate the families’ emergencies.
Eligibility Guidelines
Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Considerations: Emergency situation present; availability of other resources; past assistance through Salvation Army. Salvation Army account funded by Eyman Trust limits assistance to Fayette County residents. Account funded by the District Office can provide assistance to transients passing through the county, as well as residents. Some services are based on Temporary Assistance to Needy Families based on the Department of Job & Family Services guidelines. Salvation Army also provides a summer camp for children ages 6-12 and seniors.
Required Documentation: Past 30 day income, social security numbers for all household members, and the completed application. Download application.
Contact Information
Judy Havens, 740-335-7282 ext. 132
Faye Williamson, Chairman
Cheryl Royster, Vice-Chairman
Bambi Baughn, Treasurer