The Winter Crisis Program, formerly known as the emergency heap (e-heap) is administered by community action agencies throughout Ohio. The Winter Crisis Program provides assistance once per heating season to eligible low-income households that are disconnected, threatened with disconnection, have PIPP default, or have less than a ten-day supply of bulk fuel. This program will also help with acquiring new electric or heating service. For further information, contact your local community action agency. Upon resolving the applicants utility “crisis”, applicant will be entered into a payment plan to clear any outstanding debt if they choose to not participate in PIPP Plus.
The total household income of an applicant must be at or below 175 percent of the federal poverty guidelines
Documentation needed:
- ID of the person applying for assistance
- Last 30 days of total household income
- If self-employed, need schedule 1 and 1040 of last taxes filed in addition to last 30 days
income - Social security card or birth certificate for each household member
- Birth dates for each household member
- Most recent gas & electric bills or new account numbers
- Disconnect notice
Contact Information
Judy Havens 740-335-7282 Ext. 115