“The Community Action Commission of Fayette County in partnership with the Woda Group, Inc. will be submitting a low-income housing tax credit application to the Ohio Housing Finance Agency that, if successful, will provide funding to completely modernize the property known as the Fayette Inn located at 2825 US Highway 22 SW, Washington CH, Ohio 43160. The eighteen (18) unit property is in dire need of renovations. The property, once modernized, will provide attractive, comfortable and energy-efficient homes for its residents.
In addition to the renovations, a new community space will be created for the benefit of its residents. Also, the funding will be utilized to renovate the former Wintersong Village Nursing Home facility. The property, now vacant, will be transformed into a dynamic new affordable housing community. The space will be utilized to provide well-appointed housing for eighteen (18) single person households and will provide space to allow for the provision of supportive services to each of its new residents.”